Mission & History

At Dudes For Dads, we believe in the power of compassion, the strength of community, and the joy of shared memories. Our mission is to guide and support children who have lost their father figure or never had one, drawing from our own experiences and the lessons taught to us by our own fathers.

Our Story

We are a group of friends who have been shaped by the love, wisdom, and sometimes, the absence of our fathers. Our journey began with a shared loss, a common void, and a collective resolve to turn our personal pain into a beacon of hope for others.

Our organization is a tribute to Steven Goodwin, Ben Gieseman, Alberto Panqueva, David Miller, Bill Stokes, and countless others who have inspired us to be the men we are today. Their spirit lives on in the work we do, the lives we touch, and the community we build.

Our Milestones

Since our inception, we have strived to create tangible and intangible experiences that fill the void left by the loss of a father figure. Here are a few of our proud moments.


MarchThe founding team was created.
AprilWe partnered with Big Brother Big Sister of the National Capital Area. They’ve served at-risk youth through comprehensive and enduring mentoring relationships in the DC, MD, and VA areas since 1949. We raised $5K for their organization and used the funds to launch Dudes For Dads as a 501(c)(3) non-profit.
AugustDudes For Dads organized a sports equipment drive in Arlington, VA, to donate to Project Playtime in Washington, D.C. We received over 350 pieces of sports equipment ranging from cleats, flag football flags, and foldable soccer goals. All of the equipment was donated to a summer camp for homeless children.
OctoberWe established a continual partnership with the Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity at the University of Miami. Our first fundraiser broke their philanthropy fundraising record!


MarchDudes For Dads partnered with Home Team Organization at the Gibson-Bethel Community Center in South Miami, FL, to donate care packages to students. With the help of 40 volunteers, the team organized over 50 care packages with school clothing to donate to students at the community center. 
FallWe funded a flag football team in the Michigan Youth Sports Initiative program for students who couldn’t afford to join leagues.


Spring We established an Annual $6,000 scholarship with the Arlington, Virginia Community Foundation to support a graduating High School senior in their college pursuit.
SpringWe donated 200 backpacks full of hygiene products to students in need in the Miami area.
FallBoth of the Michigan Youth Sports Initiative Flag Football teams made it to the quarterfinals in their playoffs.
FallWe partnered with The Bowery Mission to host a Winter Clothing Drive at the Google NYC office. Together we collected over fifty articles of clothing to donate to homeless people around the New York area.

Be Part of Our Future

Our mission is only possible with the support of donors, partners, and volunteers like you. We welcome you to join our community, share your story, and help us continue our work.